Chill + Nourish Preconception Nutrition

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Why gut health is so important and affects your whole body

As Hippocrates once said: "All disease begins in the gut” -  I couldn't agree more! 

Back in 2012, I'd had enough of my Ankylosing Spondylitis (an autoimmune condition that affects your spine). My body was just stopping me from doing the things I was passionate about and causing chronic pain. I was prepared to do anything.

Out of the blue someone suggested that I took steps to improve my gut health - I had no idea what difference it would make or why - but I was prepared to try. This changed my life! 

I won't get into exactly what I did here as it all explained in this blog post. The MOST important part to note is that I didn't realise I had any gut related issues yet still it turned around my life.

Previously practitioners and I just focused on my back to find relief and we didn't look at the bigger picture. Sadly, this is common! We go directly to the site of symptoms or pain but all too often this doesn't get us anywhere for the long term.

But why?

Because we are not looking at the root cause of what is actually happening in your body.

Why did dysfunction start in the first place? Our whole body is one interconnected system, not a collection of parts, and we need to think holistically rather than just symptom chase! Considering the root cause of health issues and imbalances going on in your body may take longer but it will support you with long term optimal health.

So back to Gut Health. Why is this relevant and SO important? 

A good diet and a well functioning gut is foundational for health and this is where I initially focus with 99% of clients! Every single cell in our body needs nutrients from the foods we eat and our gut is critical for absorbing these nutrients.

Our gut is also where the majority of our immune system sits, where neurotransmitters for the brain are made, is the route for elimination of toxins - including our hormones, and more.

So if there are unwanted activities happening in our digestive system we cannot optimally perform these functions and it puts pressure on the WHOLE BODY!

The gut is so important that many symptoms in our body can be linked back to our gut health - not just digestive symptoms 

It is for this exact reason that I am so passionate about supporting people with their gut health. It can have such an impact. Wherever you are in the world!